


Sunday Mornings at 10:30am

(The livestream of our services can be found on our Facebook Page)

Gather for an opportunity to be in community, to pray and sing, to reflect on God’s Word and eat at the Lord’s Table each Sunday morning.

“Just a Moment” Weekly Devotions

It is a phrase that places us on hold while we wait for our call to be re-directed. It is a comment that interrupts us as we attempt to get through our list of errands. We say it to a loved one before we can get that first sip of coffee in the morning, we use it on our kids as we try to finish up an important email… just a moment, please.

Often times, those moments to stop and wait are forced upon us but couldn’t we all use a moment now and then? Not when we have time but in the midst of it all. God invites us into intentional rest, not because we earned it or deserve it but because it is needed. A new, ever-evolving, video devotional series is coming that invites you to spend just a moment, 5-10 minutes, engaging in God’s Word through scripture and a song, or a poem, or a form of prayer. It is an invitation to pause and be reminded that the Divine is with us throughout our week.

You can find the collection of Just a Moment video devotions on Facebook!

Just Like Starting Over!

After a long journey through the wilderness of digital worship and distancing ourselves for the sake of community during the height and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, we gathered together in-person on May 23, 2023 to celebrate Pentecost, to surround some of our young folks with love as they affirmed their faith, and even welcomed a new member! As we proclaim in our Lutheran tradition, we are “Always being made new!” How will God enliven us for this new season of Church? Come and see!

From Our Table to Yours, Thank You!

For 61 weeks, we worshiped in a way that was new and invited us to discover the sacredness in the ordinary places we inhabit. Our Kitchen Table Gatherings allowed us to connect and worship with family and friends in different parts of the country, people we have known for years and others who we have only known through this digital presence. Thank you to all who joined us from your kitchen tables and living room chairs during this time. Although we are transitioning back to in-person gatherings, we will continue to find ways of being present and offering prayers online as well. Please check out our Facebook page as the summer progresses.

Please continue to check-in on neighbors and family who may need assistance, be a presence of grace when impatience and uncertainty is heightened, and pray for all who serve our communities from our healthcare workers and public safety personnel, to our grocery clerks and teachers. The impact of this moment continues to place a strain on businesses, our mental and physical health, and causing faith communities to lean deeper into God’s embrace. Be kind, take care, and continue to seek ways to be Christ’s light in the world.


Breathe in. Breathe out.
It is a simple yet sacred act of living. With each inhale and exhale we reconnect with the Divine. Using a variety of prayer practices, we were invited into a daily connection with God during our 2020 season of Lent.

We are looking at more offerings like this, but in the meantime, you are invited to return to these practices. Maybe you are discovering these for the first time. This is an invitation to create some space and play with God while we continue to understand our current reality of life.


Living Breath of God” is an arrangement by Fendrick & Peck, of the classic hymn “O Living Breath of God.” May this song invite you into the season of Lent and prepare you to breathe deeply the Divine who dwells with us.

SUNDAYS/schedule postponed

9:00 am Morning Brew Adult Discussion
10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion

You are Loved

Epiphany is a Reconciling in Christ congregation.

Welcome to The Table

All who are hungry, come and eat.


To learn more about this faith community, send us a message by clicking on the button