

Wednesdays at Noon Adult Discussion

Wednesdays at Noon offers seasonal Bible/faith discussion series.


Sunday School 2024-2025! Following the Way of Jesus

Cross Walk

From the moment Mary heard from the angel about who was coming to the shock of an empty tomb, Jesus’ presence on earth surprised, disturbed, inspired, and transformed those who encountered him. This year we will follow Jesus’ life and ministry through the eyes of the Gospel writers and reflect on how those stories accompany, challenge, and guide us along our own journeys. There is always room for one more at the table as we study, learn and play together! Sunday School gathers each Sunday following our 10:30am worship service.

Great and Small: Finding God’s Connection Points

Our 2023 Sunday School year was a quest to discover God’s connections in the stories of our Bible and through our life together! We learned about the everlasting promise God has made with all of God’s people, the liberating freedom that comes from God, the presence of God through difficult times, and the ongoing work of God’s love among us as a people gathered and sent in Christ’s name.


What is Wilderness Faith?

Wilderness Faith was our at-home Sunday School experience of 2020-2021. It remain posted an offering of faith exploration for you and your family!

Throughout the Bible, the wilderness has shaped God’s people. The wilderness has been a place of uncertainty and trial, where the people may have felt abandoned or alone but God remained with them. The wilderness has been a place of retreat, renewal, and ministry as well. The wilderness is also a place to get closer to God!

It is important to remember that in our own moments of uncertainty and stress, God is with us. The wilderness allows us to discover new ways of experiencing our relationship with God, with others and living our faith in the world.

Series 7 – The Good Shepherd

There are over 600 references to sheep and shepherds in the Bible.  

In our final series for this Wilderness Faith school year, we will focus on Jesus as the Good Shepherd. What does it mean to protect the flock and how are we transformed by the one who lays their own life down for us?

Holy Week Special Series

We have a special 2 part series. The Holy Week lesson offers small activities to do over the course of the week from Palm Sunday to Easter. An Easter Lesson involves a recipe for a tasty treat to celebrate the Resurrection!

Series 6 – God’s Covenants

Our lives can fill up very quickly. With responsibilities at school and at home, interests and hobbies, unexpected events, and countless distractions around us. It can be difficult to find time for the things that we say are important! The season of Lent invites us to reconnect and refocus our attention and our lives on God. In this series, we explore some of the Bible stories where God seeks to build relationship through covenants and promises.

Series 5 – We Are Called

When we are baptized, we make these promises to God – to live among God’s faithful people; hear the Word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper; proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed; serve all people following the example of Jesus; and strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

In this six-week series, we will explore what it means to be called into the life that God has given us.

Series 4 – Creator of Light and Life

During the Christmas Season, we ponder the magnificence of our Lord and the paradoxical fact that Jesus was born on this Earth to be with us and to die for us.

Series 3 – Advent Waiting

Our new Church year begins with the season of Advent. This is a season of intentional waiting and preparing for Jesus. In this series we will compare our faithful waiting with this restful waiting time of year in nature as the earth and its creatures prepare for the winter months ahead. We will discover that waiting involves more than just sitting patiently but engages us to be prepared and keep watch!

Series 2 – Saints and Celebrations

Saint Francis by Nicholas Roerich

Our new Wilderness Faith series, “Saints and Celebrations,” takes a look at some of the holidays and “Holy Days” we celebrate in this season together, as well as some of the people we turn to for inspiration along our faith journey. Saints are not perfect. Saints are real people, sometimes revered by the Church for their acts or belief, sometimes impacting lives on the margins and out of view from the spotlight. Saints remind us that we are not alone on our spiritual journey. We have them to look to, inspire us, and help us to see and honor the holy around and within. 

Series 1 – “Life is Hard”

As 2020 has made obvious, sometimes life throws us curveballs. During this series of lessons, families will focus on dealing with difficulties in life

(such as people hurting us, unfairness, feeling sorry for others, etc.) and we will be using the some of the Bible stories assigned for our Sunday worship to guide us. You will be able to hear them during the Kitchen Table Gathering (Sundays at 10:30am on our Facebook page, and revisit them during the week with your family.

Adult Faith Discussion on Zoom: Thursdays at 8:00pm

We will begin a new discussion in January. Stay tuned for the next topic!

“In The Water” Sunday School

Following Holy Communion, the children gather by the baptismal font and head down to the classrooms to engage in storytelling, experience yoga, make a craft, or play games related to a rotating selection of Bible stories.